Human capital management (HCM) solutions - Know the demand of labor

In today's companies different generations of professionals coexist, each with their own characteristics and different work expectations. If organizations want to maximize the talent of their teams, they must know what motivates each group, designing development and training plans, customized according to the needs and demands of different age groups.
Work expectations of generations X, Y and Z
These are the main end results of the study performed by human capital management (hcm)solutions (HCMS) on the labor expectations of baby-boomers, millennials and centennials.
How do the different generations face leadership? In the case of the most adult and younger professionals, 60% cite this point as important, while in generation X, the percentage is reduced to 57%. Regarding the causes that make becoming leaders is not a goal among human capital, stress becomes the main reason, also presenting a different impact according to the age of the respondents: 58% of generation Z argues this reason, 52% in the case of millennials.
For years, the idea that millennial labor expectations focused on the pursuit of a purpose, beyond good economic rewards, has spread.
This study shows that, although this fact is true, it is not exclusive of this age group: all generations want to feel aligned with their work that is, fit with the vision, culture, values or style of the organization. A conclusion that emerges from the widespread fear of not getting a job that matches the personality of the employee, especially in younger professionals who have not yet accessed the job market.
Future perspectives
Asked about where the labor market is heading in the future, notable differences emerge. Specifically, Generation X and Y present a huge gap, with a group that feels optimistic and another that is increasingly fearful.
Professional development
Yes, there is some inter generational unanimity about the need to overcome professional goals and advance in the career. In this sense, around half of the respondents cited the fear of being 'stuck' as a barrier to their job expectations.
Desired companies
All generations, to a greater or lesser extent, have an interest in startups, their own or those of others. However, although it would seem logical that younger people feel attracted to start their own business or be part of an emerging company, it is curiously the baby-boomers who prefer this option.
HR consulting firms in Mumbai suggest meeting the expectations of all the employees to give a boost to turnover of your company and give a positive feel to the working environment.
Resource Box:
Circular Angular is one of the well-known human capital management solutions (HCMS) providers. The team works to provide strategic and technological service solutions to the Human resource department companies.


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